Python codec

This page describes how to encode, decode and manipulate prophy messages in Python.


Prophy Compiler can be used to generate Python codec source code from .prophy files. This generated code together with Python prophy library forms a fully functional codec.

Example compiler invocation:

prophyc --python_out . test.prophy

will result in creating

Generated code

File generated by Prophy Compiler defines classes representing enums, structs and unions.

Enumerators can be accessed:

enum Test1
    Test1_1 = 1,
    Test1_2 = 2,
    Test1_3 = 3
>>> import test
>>> test.Test1_1

Structs can be instantiated, written or read and encoded or decoded:

struct Test2
    u32 a;
>>> import test
>>> x = test.Test2()
>>> x.a = 42
>>> x.a
>>> print x
a: 42
>>> x.encode('>')
>>> x.decode('\x00\x00\x00*', '>')

Struct enum field can be set by value or name, name can be extracted from it:

struct Test3
    Test1 a;
>>> import test
>>> x = test.Test3()
>>> x.a = 2
>>> x.a = 'Test1_2'
>>> x.a

Arrays (all kinds) may be indexed, sliced and iterated:

struct Test4
    i32 a[3];
>>> import test
>>> x = test.Test4()
>>> x.a[0] = 42
>>> x.a
[42, 0, 0]
>>> x.a[:] = [1, 2, 3]
>>> for value in x.a:
...     print value

Arrays of structs or unions can add new elements or be extended by iterables of them:

struct Test5
    Test2 a<>;
>>> import test
>>> x = test.Test5()
>>> y = x.a.add()
>>> y.a = 42
>>> print x
a {
  a: 42

>>> x.a.extend([y])
>>> print x
a {
  a: 42
a {
  a: 42

Optional struct fields may be set or cleared by setting with True and None:

struct Test6
    u32* a;
    Test2* b;
>>> import test
>>> x = test.Test6()
>>> x.a = 42
>>> x.a
>>> x.a = None
>>> x.a
>>> x.b = True
>>> print x.b
a: 0

>>> x.b = None
>>> print x.b

Union arm is chosen by setting discriminator with arm number or name:

union Test7
    0: u32 a;
    1: Test2 b;
>>> import test
>>> x = test.Test7()
>>> x.discriminator = 0
>>> x.a = 42
>>> x.discriminator = 'b'
>>> x.b.a = 42

Packed mode

Python generated message descriptors may be altered to inhibit padding by inheriting from struct_packed instead of struct. Following message would be encoded as 6 bytes:

class PackedMessage(prophy.struct_packed):
    __metaclass__ = prophy.struct_generator
    _descriptor = [('x', prophy.u8),
                   ('y', prophy.u32),
                   ('z', prophy.u8)]


Mixing struct_packed with nested struct and otherwise yields undefined behavior.